Retired Senior Volunteer Program

What is the
Retired Senior Volunteer Program?
RSVP is America's largest volunteer network for people age 55 and over. RSVP invites you to join over 450,000 volunteers across the country who are tackling tough issues in their communities.
Think of RSVP this way. Most people have been invited to a party or two in their lifetimes. Those invitations may have been marked, "RSVP," meaning that you were being asked to respond as to whether or not you would attend. Similarly, serving with RSVP is your way of responding to the invitation to make a difference in your community through volunteerism.
What do RSVP volunteers do?
RSVP offers a full range of volunteer opportunities with local organizations. For example, you may:
help children through Early Childhood Development programs
help the elderly and disabled through Home Delivered Meals, Medicare and Senior Fraud Education and Telephone Reassurance programs
help caregivers of persons with Alzheimer's or dementia through Respite Care programs
help needy families through Emergency Food programs
help communities through Disaster Preparedness programs
Volunteer Testimonials
"I stayed with a 93 year old woman for four hours a day. She was a precious woman. She appreciated everything I did and always said "thank you." We always ate out. She had to put her makeup on just perfect. I had to comb her hair. She would always put her rings on. She always wore a sweater across her shoulders. I would take her in a wheelchair because she had trouble walking long distances. We had a lot of fun together. One day she played the piano and I sang for an hour or so. Another day, we made brownies for a man at the meal site. I watched her TV programs with her. There was going to be a party at her house, so I decorated the house. She loved it. She worried until she thought everything was just right. I learned to love her and will certainly miss her. I am blessed to have known her."
-RSVP Volunteer, Patsy Rains
"I just love to be around people and I hope there will be somebody to visit me when I need somebody to talk to. It's a good thing to be involved."
-RSVP Volunteer, Joe Cordova
"I work the desk at the [Community Services] center on Thursday's and I always enjoy greeting all the people. Some of them stay at my desk and tell me stories or just stay and visit with me. I even get compliments, sure like that, from staff passing by. I am sure to give them out as well. We are blessed to have a meal site for our many seniors."
-RSVP Volunteer, Dorothy Glover
"This experience was with a "Handout of Lap Blankets" during Martin Luther King Day. One of the gentlemen we delivered to was thrilled when he came to the door and we gave him his blanket. He told us he had lost his wife 7 years, at the time. He enjoyed the company."
-RSVP Volunteer, Barbara Bruffet
Why should I become a volunteer?
When you volunteer, you're not just helping others - you're helping yourself. Volunteering leads to new discoveries and new friends. Plus, studies show that volunteering helps you live longer and promotes a positive outlook on life.
In addition, with RSVP you'll receive pre-service orientation, training from the organization where you serve, and free supplemental accident, liability and life insurance while you volunteer. Plus, you'll be eligible to attend ongoing educational programs for volunteers and you'll be invited to attend RSVP's annual Celebration of Volunteerism event.
Why should I volunteer through RSVP, instead of just going to my favorite organization directly?
RSVP takes care to screen the organizations it partners with in the community to ensure that they are truly working toward solving community problems. The organizations that partner with us agree to a number of standards that are designed to ensure volunteer safety and satisfaction. If you find that the volunteer opportunity you've chosen isn't a good fit for you, we can help you find another one that better suits you.
Best of all, people 55 and over who volunteer through RSVP receive some special volunteer benefits, all at absolutely no charge to themselves or the organizations where they serve. This is significant, since many organizations aren't able to provide these quality benefits to their volunteers, due to funding constraints.
Still interested?
Not interested in RSVP? No worries, other volunteer opportunities are available.
Check out our volunteer opportunities:
Want more information?
Click the link below to visit the Federal website:
Corporation for National and Community Service
Contact us
If you need more information, don't hesitate to give us a call. A staff member would be happy to visit with you.
Retired Senior Volunteer Program
Program Director: Mark Howl
Phone: 575-356-8576 ext. 36